January 5, 2021 Tuesday after Epiphany-B ST. JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP
1 John 4:7-10
Psalm 72
Mark 6:34-44
…not that we have loved God, but that he loved us… 1 John 4:10
They all ate and were satisfied. Mk. 6:42
Lord, your good news today reminds me of the beauty and glory of the Mass we celebrate every Sunday. The first part of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word where you teach us about the Father’s love. The people sought you out because they were hungry for your teaching. They so hung on your every word because you told them how much the Father loved them. You revealed a Father who loved them first, even before they knew anything about the Father. Were they stunned when you told them that God the Father was their “Abba” a “Daddy?” No wonder they forgot about eating because they had never heard that before. After feeding their hearts you went about feeding their bodies and their spirits. The second part is the Liturgy of the Eucharist where ordinary bread becomes the bread from heaven. We all are satisfied because you give yourself completely to us in your body and blood. Both parts show us how much we are loved and how we are to love. Lord, thank you for feeding me with your word and sacrament each time I experience the Mass. Help me to love as you have loved me. St. John Neumann pray for us. Amen.