December 31, 2020 Thursday in the Octave of Christmas-B
1 John 2:18-21
Psalm 96
John 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word… John 1:1
Lord, astronomers debate what existed before the Big Bang. They try to figure out what physics caused it and how everything came into being. St. John has the answers to their questions. Before the Big Bang was the Holy Trinity. Before even the first atom existed you were present. All creation came through you, Lord. I am a product of that creation. You have gifted me with a certain number of years and have placed me where I live. Over the past year you have carried me when I was weak, forgiven me when I sinned, celebrated with me in times of joy and consoled me in times of sorrow. You haven’t missed a single second of my life. I know I am far from perfect, dear Lord, but I also know you love me just as imperfect as I am. As I look into the New Year to come I am confident you will be near me every day. The past year has been difficult for all and tragic for some. Help us to open ourselves to every grace you send our way in the new year. Most of all, bring us closer to your most Sacred Heart. Amen.