December 23, 2020 Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent-B
Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Psalm 25
Luke 1:57-66
Your ways O Lord, make know to me; teach me your paths…Ps. 25:4
…he wrote, “John is his name.” Immediately his mouth was opened… Lk.1:63-64
Lord, throughout Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John, you removed the power of speech from his father Zechariah. This had to be a very difficult and frustrating nine months for him. A priest’s job is to offer prayers and sacrifices in the temple on behalf of the people. He could not do that without his voice. Zechariah must have questioned why he had been given this affliction. During his months of silence you were working on him. You were sending him grace and developing his faith. He slowly accepted what it was you wanted him to learn. When given the opportunity he surrendered to your plan by accepting the name given his son by the angel. He could speak again. His time of silence was like an extended silent retreat during which he came to know you and to trust you. He then spoke a beautiful canticle prayed daily by your church. Lord, we sometimes fail to see hardships like Zechariah’s as an opportunity for you to grow our faith and increase our trust in your beautiful plans. What may seem like meaningless suffering can be a gift from you who know perfectly what is good for us. Jesus I trust in you. Amen.