December 22, 2020 Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent-B
Samuel 1:24-28
Psalm 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5,6-7
Luke 1:46-56
“My heart exults in the Lord…” 1 Sam 1:24
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior…”
Lk 1:46
Lord, I praise you, I worship you, I give you thanks for keeping your promises. I praise you, worship you, and give you thanks for being so good to me. You have forgiven my sins and extended your mercy to me your humble, disobedient child. You have become like me so I can become like you. You entered humanity to be nearer to me and to show me how to live. You have looked lovingly on me your creation. I was hungry for heavenly nourishment and you gave it to me. I was blind but now I see with the eyes of faith. I tried to be great in human terms but you have shown me heavenly greatness is humble service to those you place in my path. You promised me mercy and have delivered. May I, like your Mother, proclaim your greatness and rejoice in my salvation. May my heart exult like Hannah as you have filled me up with your numerous blessings and favors. Only a couple days left in Advent. Continue to prepare me for the grand celebration to come. Amen.