December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent-B 2020

2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16

Psalm 89

Romans 16:25-27

Luke 1:26-38

To him who can strengthen you… Rom. 16:25

“Do not be afraid, Mary … for nothing will be impossible for God.” Lk. 1:30, 37

Lord, so many of us today are longing for a return to “normal.” The Corona Virus pandemic has upset everyone’s life to some degree.  Some of us have lost dear loved ones to the flu and others lost jobs and for still others life disruptions too long to list. We ache for it to go away and leave us alone.   Do we believe what the Angel Gabriel assured Mary that there was nothing to fear? We yearn for peace, security and justice. You became one of us to heal us, save us and reconcile us with our Father. I believe that nothing is impossible for God. I believe that your Holy Spirit is present with all mankind in the battle against COVID-19. I also believe that this present time is filled with opportunities to live the Gospel of love and compassion. I believe that you want us to have hope that this too shall pass if we stay faithful and turn to you for strength. Lord, may your word today lead me to be more positive and not to fear anything that befalls me. With your grace I can trust, as Mother Mary did, in our Father’s love and care.  Amen.