December 18, 2020 Friday of the Third Week of Advent-A
Jeremiah 23:5-8
Psalm 72
Matthew 1:18-25
Behold the days are coming when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; Jer. 23:5
When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lorde had commanded him…Mt. 1:24
Lord, you are the author of life. The prophecy of Jeremiah was fulfilled with the “yes” of Mary and Joseph. Life came to her womb and she nurtured you to birth. She cherished this life despite the sudden change in her plans. Lord, in our times life is not cherished by everyone. When an unexpected or unwanted child begins to form, our society often says “no.” Our culture does not respect the gift of life particularly when that gift disrupts our plans. The death of even one “inconvenient” baby is sad beyond words. This Christmas is all about hope and promise. Lord, give us hope that we can turn away from a culture of death to one of life. Lord, the angel made the promise that “nothing is impossible for God.” Help us to respect life because it comes from you. Every child needs to be accepted and nurtured as you were by Mary. I pray today, dear Jesus, for an end to abortion and that parents will be open to your gift and accept the graces of parenthood. May I work for what I pray for. Amen.