December 11, 2020 Friday of the 2nd Week of Advent-B
Isaiah 48:17-19
Psalm 1
Matthew 11:16-19
I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go. Is. 48:17
Lord, neither you nor John the Baptist found favor with the religious establishment who thought the were doing God’s will. You and John had contrasting styles of teaching and leading the people to God. You created me and made me unique among all your creatures. I thank you for blessing me with gifts, strengths and opportunities. You look into my heart and see how much I love you and want to please you. I believe you will lead me in the best way to serve your purpose. I pray I can be open to your leadership and guidance. I want your word to be a seed planted in my heart to blossom and bear fruit for your kingdom. Please be patient with me and help me past my weaknesses and faults. I have a lot to learn how you desire to use me. May I look beyond the faults of others and not judge them. Don’t let me become too sure of myself that I ignore the signs you place before me. Thank you, Lord, for always giving me what I need and not what I ask for. Open my mind and heart to always embrace your ways. Amen.