December 4, 2020 Friday of the 1st Week of Advent-B
Isaiah 29:17-24
Psalm 27
Matthew 9:21, 27-31
…the eyes of the blind shall see. Is. 59:18
“Let it be done for you according to your faith. And their eyes were opened. ” Mt. 9:29-30
Lord, we don’t know how long these two men had been blind. Maybe it had been since birth. Somewhere along the line the gift of faith grew in their hearts. They waited for the Messiah who would deliver them and their people from oppression. Waiting is hard work. Physical suffering can drag on for years with no sign of relief. That’s when we need to make up our minds not to yield to the temptation to give up. These men may have had physical blindness but they could see in you their salvation. It was their perseverance in faith that cured their blindness. Their lives where tremendously changed when you gave them sight. Lord, as I wait for you this Advent season, strengthen my faith. Increase my trust in your power and love. Extend your mercy to me for all my sins. Most of all give me the spiritual vision to see your will for me in this life. Guide me to see the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the dying around me. May I be a healing and encouraging witness to them of your love. With your grace I can guide others to see you. Amen.