September 4, 2019 Wednesday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-C

Colossians 1:1-8

Psalm 52

Luke 4:38-44

And demons came out from many… Lk. 4:41

Lord, in your time the people believed that demons caused many, if not all, physical and mental illness.  You spoke to the fever in Simon’s mother-in-law as if it were a demon.  The demons you expelled from the other people obeyed your command too.  You not only healed wounds and illnesses, you freed the suffering from whatever was oppressing them.  Lord, today you wish to drive out the demons that oppress us.  The list is long of what needs to be healed in your children.  Many are discouraged, depressed and fearful.  The demons of loneliness live in many of the elderly and disabled.   Addictions and hopelessness are holding many captive.  Lord, I pray today that you expel from me any demons that are preventing me from giving myself completely to you.  I surrender to your power over all illness: mental, physical and spiritual.  Awaken in me a greater faith in you as my Lord and Savior.  Evil will not have the final word wherever your grace is given and accepted.  I trust and hope in you, dear Jesus.  I give thanks to you for your healing love and goodness which free me from the tyranny of evil.  Amen.