November 23, 2020 Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Revelation 14:1-3, 4-5
Psalm 24
Luke 21:1-4
The Lord’s are the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it. Ps. 24:1
“But she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” Lk. 21:4
Lord, the first verse of our Psalm today tells us the truth about who possesses everything in creation and all we hold so precious. Not just material objects but our children and brothers and sisters, and our parents all belong to you. The poor widow gave all she had in offering because it all belonged to you first. We can become so possessive of our homes, wealth and all we claim as ours. But in the end, it is all gifts from you and should rightly come back to you. Lord, you value all sacrifices to your holy name. The widow got your attention in the temple that day because you saw her offer “her whole livelihood.” Her gift was small compared to the rich but large in your view. You saw trust in God in her offering. You saw love in her heart for all God had done for her. The widow knew that God would take care of her needs if she just trusted. Lord, you are so pleased when we give ourselves to you without reservation or condition. After Joseph’s death your mother was a widow so you were familiar with their plight. Stay close to the widows in our parish who may feel alone or forgotten. Help them to know they are never without your care and concern. Amen