November 18, 2020 Wednesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-A
Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 150
Luke 19:11-28
“…you have proved trustworthy in a very small thing…” Lk. 19:17
Lord, I believe you delight in even the smallest praise and service when we do it for you out of love. If we fail to be faithful in the little tokens of love we won’t do well in the big ones. Lord, I so want to be trustworthy in the use of your gifts and opportunities to love. I know I get it wrong sometimes. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for continuing to bless me with your grace. Help me to be open today to those times I can be a trustworthy agent of your love and worthy witness to your mercy. Lord you never fail to provide all I need to be successful in this life. And you can make very small efforts, fruitful. Today, Lord, I will work so as to be a trustworthy steward of your enormous goodness. Thanks again for these opportunities. You are my strength and I can trust in your eternal love and depend on your grace to bear fruit. Amen.