November 17, 2020 Tuesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY, RELIGIOUS
Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22
Psalm 15
Luke 19:1-10
Behold, I stand at the door and knock…Rev. 3:20
Zacchaeus…was seeking to see who Jesus was; Lk. 19:3
Lord, we don’t know what motivated this wealthy, chief tax collector to want to see you. Maybe he just wanted to see what all the fuss was. Something moved him to run away and climb a tree for a better look. What began with curiosity soon became conversion. You invited yourself to his house. At that moment this man’s heart began to change. Your presence in his home developed into your presence in his life. You stand at the door of my heart waiting for me to open it for you. Lord, come into my home too and remove any lukewarmness in my love for you and my neighbors. Spend time with my family, tell us your stories, and play with my children and grandchildren. I offer you whatever needs to be changed in my life. Heal any selfishness, pride, or patterns of living that offend you. Purify my thoughts, my words and my actions. Help me to live for you first and to trust that everything else will be given me besides. Thank you for wanting to sit and dine with me. St. Elizabeth pray for us. Amen