November 14, 2020 Saturday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time-A
3 John 5-8
Psalm 112
Luke 18:1-8
Light shines through the darkness for the upright… Ps. 112:4
“Will not God secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?” Lk. 18:7
Lord, for many of us patience and persistence are not our strengths. We live in a “microwave” culture that expects immediate results. When we seek to purchase a product or receive a service we expect a quick response. Express or overnight delivery is becoming the norm. Even those who believe in you and trust in your goodness and generosity can sometimes question why the answer to our prayers isn’t as timely as we want. When I don’t receive from you what I ask for, Lord, help me to entrust myself to your care. May I believe you always know what is best for me and want to see me come closer to you in faith. Even if I don’t understand the reason for a delay in getting my answer I know in my heart you still love me. May I grow in my love for you with each passing day knowing that you will never be outdone in generosity. I believe you may be answering my prayer right now but I just don’t see your gift because of the veil over my eyes. Thank you for giving me what I need and not always what I ask for. Amen.