November 10, 2020 Tuesday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. LEO THE GREAT, POPE, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
Titus 2:1-8, 1-14
Psalm 37
Luke 17:7-10
…so that the message of God is not disgraced. Titus 2:5
Lord, there are so many parts to life and service. People see what God-fearing people do and can misunderstand! I can become complacent and narrow minded in my service-doing the minimum, doing things the way they’ve always been done. It’s quite possible that I can disgrace your word by my mistakes or bad attitude. Lord, I love you and your word. I would never intentionally cause a scandal for you or your church. Let me never think only of myself and my needs for that is selfish and you don’t want that. Guide me today to good decisions and never let me choose the easy way but always your way. May I always seek to do more than my obligations. Help me go the extra mile in service of your kingdom. Keep me faithful Lord and I will be a good servant. Show me, Lord, to follow the example of St. Leo the great in bringing peace and reconciliation to the people in my life. I rely completely on your grace. Pope St. Leo pray for us. Amen.