November 3, 2020 Tuesday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time-A 2020

Philippians 2:5-11

Psalm 22

Luke 14:15-24

…he emptied himself… Phil. 2:7

“A man gave a dinner to which he invited many…”  Lk.14:16

Lord, thank you so much for inviting me to your banquet. I am aware that sometimes I have made excuses for not accepting your invitation. At the time I thought I had better things to do. I needed to enjoy my possessions. I had higher priorities like filling myself with pleasures that are not from you. I repent, Lord, of every time I chose my own agenda over yours. Even if not sinful, too often I have chosen to distract myself with those worldly activities that don’t bring me closer to you. Dear Jesus, you never quit inviting me. You never tire of calling me to the fullness that is your word in scripture and your great sacrament of love, the Holy Eucharist. When I am full of earthly matters there is no room for heavenly ones.  You initiate the invitation and look for my response. In your story the blind and the lame and the hungry were already empty. You gave me the model when you emptied yourself to take on human flesh and then give yourself entirely, without excuses, to me and the entire world. I RSVP to your loving invitation.  Amen.