October 26, 2020 Monday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Ephesians 4:32-5:8
Psalm 1
Luke 13:10-17
Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another… Eph 4:32
“Woman, you are set free of your infirmity.” Lk. 13:12
Lord, your compassion and love have no limits or boundaries. Thanks be to God for that! The disabled woman was set free from the burdens of her condition because you saw in her the dignity of a child of God. You look at me the same way. I may not be a bent over cripple but I do carry the burdens of past and present sins. Set me free, dear Lord, from the guilt and shame of my failures to live the life you offer. May I persevere in my faith and in your healing graces. May I be set free from the prison of not forgiving others. Keep me open to the daily encounters with my brothers and sisters and keep me compassionate to their needs. Take away selfishness and prideful attitudes that limit my love. If I have a relationship that cries out for healing, touch my heart to restore it. Remove from me any feelings of unworthiness and show me my place as a precious and glorious son or daughter of the Father. I surrender to your power, dear Jesus. May I stand up straight and give you glory. Amen.