October 20, 2020 Tuesday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Ephesians 2:12-22
Psalm 85
Luke 12:35-38
“Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.” Lk 12:37
Lord, we have an expression that says ”rank has its privileges.” Our human standards say that we should expect certain perks when we are powerful, famous or wealthy. You have such a wise way to turn our ways on their heads. You would rather have us, no matter our “rank” in the world to have an attitude of service. By serving and looking out for each other we are serving you. Lord, you let us in on the secret of better relationships with spouses, children, friends and coworkers. The secret is to look for opportunities each day that you will provide me to build up someone who needs building up. I am truly blessed and I have a peaceful heart when I choose to serve rather than be served. Regardless of my status in worldly matters you are delighted when I give myself as you do. Keep me focused and open to all that you want for me. Awaken within me a real desire today to give without counting the cost. Help me to be vigilant and open to your grace and presence in every part of my life. Amen.