October 15, 2020 Thursday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. THERESA OF JESUS, VIRGIN, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH

Ephesians 1:1-10

Psalm 98

Luke 11:47-54

…he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy… Eph. 1:3

Lord, the immensity of you and your ways boggles my mind. It’s like trying to comprehend the universe. Your ways are so vast and so much of it has not dawned on us yet. I do trust in the purpose for which you chose me as part of your grand plan. I am important, I am needed, I am loved and graced. No matter what direction my life goes you are there to encourage, guide empower and yes, even chastise me and correct me when necessary.  You created me as one of a kind. Show me how I can best fulfill the purpose for which I was made. Nothing I think, say or do escapes your notice. And you really do care about me. Make me your holy and faithful witness to your love. Thank you for the supreme sacrifice of yourself on the cross and in the Mass. I have all I need to fulfill the reason for which you made me.  Lord, today touch my heart and mind to be who and what I was chosen for.  Amen.