August 31, 2019 Saturday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-C

1 Thessalonians 4:9-11

Psalm 98

Matthew 25:14-30

“Well done, my good and faith servant… Come share your master’s joy.”  Mt. 25:21

Lord, your parable teaches us that we are accountable for the gifts you have given us.  You expect us to bear fruit for your kingdom by investing whatever you have placed in our care.  It takes some courage to risk our time, talent or treasure for the good of your kingdom.  There is uncertainty whether we will be successful or not.  Nobody wants to lose what they were given because of a bad investment strategy.  Fear can be one of the obstacles that holds us back from being good and faithful servants.   Help me to remember that whatever I have came from you and is undeserved, unmerited and free.  Let me not bury my treasure in the ground out of worry, fear or laziness.  I so want to hear you to invite me to share your joy after a fruitful life.  Dear Jesus, with your grace may I use the time you have given me on this earth to do your will, produce your fruit and to come before you in confidence that I will hear you say to me “well done, come share your master’s happiness”.  Amen.