October 14, 2020 Wednesday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Galatians 5:18-25
Psalm 1
Luke 11:42-46
If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. Gal. 5:25
“Woe to you Pharisees!…you pay no attention to judgment and to love for God.” Lk. 11:42
Lord, baseball teams are competing to reach the ultimate goal: the World Series. Each game is decided by which team scores the most runs. Keeping score is what sports is all about. You called out the Pharisees for keeping score in their religious observance. Their rigorous and inflexible practices left no room for the fruit of the Spirit related by your servant St. Paul. When we are guided by the Holy Spirit we aren’t following checklists or keeping score of our accomplishments. When I allow the Spirit to develop generosity within me to those in need, patience with my spouse and coworkers, kindness towards those who treat me badly and self-control over my passions. You are love itself. When I am open to your Spirit, Lord, I can let go of keeping score and of trying so hard to be perfect or to earn the love I already have from you in abundance. Come, Lord Jesus, fill me with your Spirit and I can live in the freedom of your abundant life. Holy Spirit, thank you for helping me grow in your fruits. I surrender to however you desire to form me today. Amen.