October 8, 2020 Thursday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Galatians 3:1-5

Psalm Luke 1:69-75

Luke 11:5-13

“…ask and you will receive…”  Lk. 11:9

Lord, you deliver to us everything that you know is good for us. We receive all this good in so many different ways. Sometimes your gift comes to us easily, sometimes we have to work hard to obtain it. At times, we are blessed with your goodness right away while at other times we learn patience through waiting. Lord, fill me up with a spirit of trust that you will give me what is best and withhold what is not. Make me okay with a substitute, surprising blessing you provide out of love. You provide for us using familiar and unfamiliar people. You are a God of surprises. But what is common to all this is that what you send our way or allow us to earn is always for our good. We may not even see your purpose at the time. What I desire today is more complete trust in your plan for me. I don’t need to tick off a grocery list of all that I need because you can look into my heart and see what I really need. I can receive all in abundance with “thy will be done” and “give us this day our daily bread.”  Thank you Father for giving such good to me.  Amen.