October 7, 2020 Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY
Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14
Psalm 117
Luke 11:1
“Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come.” Lk. 11:2
Lord, when you became one of us you were all about restoring and healing our relationship with God. You did that through your life, death and resurrection. In the prayer you taught us we address God as Father. The God and creator of the universe is our Father! Fathers give life, sustain life and guide us in life. A father’s only job is to ensure his children live and grow and become faithful citizens of his Kingdom. Lord, our Father provides all we need each and every day to walk the path to eternal life. He corrects and forgives when we make choices which endanger or harm us. He teaches us that everything we receive from him is for our good. He welcomes us home whenever we stray from his family. Lord help me to hallow and honor and revere the very name Father. I turn to him and depend upon him for life giving grace and protection from the evil one as I welcome his kingdom into my life. Dear Jesus thank you for showing me my awesome Father. Mary, Lady of the Rosary pray for us. Amen.