October 6, 2020 Tuesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Galatians 1:13-24
Psalm 139
Luke 10:38-42
“There is need of only one thing.” Luke 10:42
Lord, when I rise in the morning one of the first things I do is look at my calendar to see what I have on my schedule for that day. Days are filled with activities, appointments, duties and work. I have responsibilities and obligations that can keep me busy all day. Martha was carrying out the traditional duties of hospitality that were so essential to life in those days. She was working hard to make sure everything was prepared and “perfect” for you, her houseguest. You certainly saw how she gave of herself to please you. You also appreciated that her sister, Mary, was so attentive to you and gave herself in a different way. Lord, you have called me to labor and to produce fruit in your kingdom. Each day I try to fulfill the work of my vocation at this point in my life. Help me to remember that it is also necessary to quietly look and listen for your presence. Do not let my busyness distract me from or become an obstacle to my being open to what you want me to receive today. I welcome you into the house of my heart and make a home for you there. Amen