October 3, 2020 Saturday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Job 42:1-3, 5-6; 12-17
Psalm 119
Luke 10:17-24
“I have dealt with great things that I do not understand.” Job 42:3
Lord, at the end of the day, Job realized that there were many things that he couldn’t understand or explain. In his immense suffering he questioned you and searched for why he had so much pain and loss in his life. Because of his communion with the Father Job grew to know your unlimited power and complete love even though he could not explain either one. Lord, your ways can be too great for me to comprehend. So many of us want reasons for why things happen the way they do. Your wisdom and purpose is beyond my ability to know. Job hung on to his belief in you to the end. I think you want to build our trust and reliance upon you too. Despite my limited vision of your ways I trust in your commitment to me. You gave your life so I may live. How could you ever be cruel to me or forget me? Lord, when I fail to see your ways or understand where you are leading me, keep me faithful and trusting in you always. I place my life in your hands and completely trust in you. Amen.