September 29, 2020 Tuesday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A SAINTS MICHAEL, GABRIEL, AND RAPHAEL, ARCHANGELS
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 138
John 1:47-51
In the presence of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord. Psalm 138:1
Lord, it is good to be reminded each year on this day of the army of angels who give you constant praise and do your bidding among us. Just because they are not visible to us doesn’t’ mean they are not working as your messengers and servants both in heaven and on the earth. Your word tells us how Michael, Gabriel and Raphael intervened in human affairs to achieve your will. There truly is so much going on around us that we are not aware of with our human senses. So much of your creation that defends us, guides us and serves us. How many times throughout my day do your angels keep me safe from harm? There is never a time when they are not present to me to accomplish your will. I will only know what all your angels have done for me when I come home to you. Until then, I thank you for placing them in my life and for how they show me the way to you. It is truly an honor to praise you at Mass with the angels. I thank the angels for interceding for me before your throne day and night never resting. Amen