September 27, 2020 Sunday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Ezekiel 18:25-28
Psalm 25
Philippians 2:1-11
Matthew 21:28-32
Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus, Phil. 2:5
Lord, St. Paul challenges us today to put selfishness and self-importance behind us. He calls us to not only look out for our own interests but also the interests of our brothers and sisters- which is easier said than done. My mind is so small, weak and prone to be a little hard to penetrate. You might say I can be hard-headed about many things. To take on your mind and attitude, Lord, is a tall order. But you have shown me what’s on your mind: obedience to the will of our Father, sacrifice for the good of others and devotion to being faithful, merciful and loving. I can be that way, like you in spurts but am not consistent. May I regard others as more important than myself. Lord, I’m practicing your ways. With your grace and an open mind I can improve and empty myself a little more each day. Maybe today I can take one small step and say or do something for a coworker, neighbor or even a stranger that will lift them up. With your grace I can choose humility over pride and service over selfishness. I know you applaud my efforts but desire much more. Help me today, Lord, to have your mind and heart. Amen.