September 23, 2020 Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. PIUS OF PIETRELCINA, PRIEST
Proverbs 30:5-9
Psalm 119
Luke 9:1-6
The law of your mouth is to me more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces. Ps. 119:72
“Take nothing for the journey…” Luke 9:3
Lord, in your time the word of God competed for the attention of the people. They heard the word but the devil, temptation, the cares, riches and pleasure of life were obstacles to the germinating and growth of the word in their lives. Today there are many more obstacles to your teaching. We can see everywhere the distractions that lure us away from holding fast to your word. The pressures of modern life, lack of time, doubt, materialism and inadequate faith formation all contribute to our missing out on the richness and power of God’s word. Lord, which obstacle is present to me? Why do I not place a higher priority on letting your word penetrate my heart? Dear Jesus, grant me the grace of an open and receptive heart. Help me to make the choices to listen and heed your truth. Allow scripture to change me, purify me and bless me. Help me to never let anything come between you and me. May I persevere in daily reflection on your word with an honest and good heart. Padre Pio gave us good advice: “Pray, hope and don’t worry.” St. Padre Pio pray for us. Amen.