September 9, 2020 of Wednesday the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. PETER CLAVER, PRIEST
1 Corinthians 7:25-31
Psalm 45
Luke 6:20-26
“Blessed are you…” Lk. 6:20
O Lord, you’d think we would always spot your blessings in our lives. But we don’t. What you intend as a blessing, we miss or don’t see it the way you do. But in your infinite wisdom, according to your divine plan for us, and in your great love-we are blest, whether we know it or not. I guess it is a sign of a more mature faith, a developing relationship with you that we see your blessings not with the eyes of the world but as you do. How many times have suffering or loss end up as goodness and gain. Everything from you is for my good and everything from you can fill me with you and everything from you is a sign of your love. With your grace I can seek first the Kingdom of God and then receive everything else besides. Open my eyes Lord and help me to see and be grateful for any poverty, hunger or sadness I may experience today. If it’s from you, I accept it, surrender to it and am grateful for it. Thank you, Jesus, for all your blessings. Amen.