September 4, 2020 Friday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A

1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Psalm 37

Luke 5:33-39

He will make justice dawn for you like the light; Ps 37:6

…he will bring to light everything that is hidden in darkness… 1 Cor. 4:5

Lord, how quickly we judge one another. Why do we do this so eagerly?  I could be so very wrong about a person when I make judgments about them. I cannot see into their soul or heart like you can. I can see their actions and hear their words. Honest disagreement is one thing but accepting sinful deeds and hurtful words is another. Lord how can I balance the two? You condemned the actions of many and forgave the actions of others. But you can see the inside I cannot.  Help me today, Lord, to be open to all my brothers and sisters and increase my compassion and understanding of them. May I seek justice for all your children especially those who are poor and defenseless. I know you love them all. Lead me today to the right and merciful attitude that you would have.  Shine the light of your grace into any darkness you find within me.  Lord, open wide my heart to be like yours in all ways. I am confident you hear my prayers and I thank you for answering them.  Amen.