September 3, 2020 Thursday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, POPE, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH

1 Corinthians 3:18-23

Psalm 24

Luke 5:1-11

“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Lk. 5:4

Lord, it is amazing how Peter and the others made such a smooth career change from fishermen to disciples. They stepped out in faith to listen to you when you asked them to fish in the daytime. They must have asked themselves what a carpenter knows about fishing. Nevertheless even after a record breaking catch of fish, they walked away from it and followed you on a journey to where they did not know. Where did this trust and faith come from? Lord, I believe you had been preparing Peter for this moment from birth. Each day, unknown to him, you led and guided him to be ready for your call. Lord, I believe you are forming and preparing me each day to follow the will of our Father. I’m sorry for those times I chose not to cooperate with your grace because what you asked of me didn’t make human sense or seemed like too big a commitment. Open my heart to be ready when you ask me to take a risk, make a change or leave behind a former way of thinking.  Let me not be afraid to put out into deep water.  Amen.