September 2, 2020 Wednesday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Psalm 33

Luke 4:38-44

For we are God’s co-workers:  1 Cor. 3:9

“I must proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God…” Lk. 4:43

Lord, what a great honor and responsibility you have given us-to be co-workers in your vineyard. You call us to actually be your instruments to bring the good news of your Kingdom to a greater fulfillment. Lord, as you know we are all at different places in our walk with you. You’ve given each of us certain gifts, talents and opportunities. Each of us moves in a different circle of believers and non-believers. You’ve entrusted so much to us. May I use quiet and private time like you did to pray and listen to my Heavenly Father. I know sometimes I let you down by relying too much on myself and not enough on you and your grace. For without your hand upon me I will fail. Let not fear or laziness or any other human trait be an obstacle to me to do the work you’ve called me to and equipped me for. Today my Lord, help me to grow in my trust and confidence in your spirit working within me.  Show me who and when and where I can be of most value to you today.  Amen.