September 1, 2020 Tuesday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

Psalm 145

Luke 4:31-37

We have not received the spirit of the world…so that we may understand the things freely given us by God.  1 Cor. 2:12

Lord, it’s so easy to take the gift of your Spirit for granted. We struggle with the ways of the world, trying to solve our problems and dealing with so many challenges to life. We try to do this using our human knowledge and experience. When we fail we try something else and maybe fail again. But Paul reminds us today that we have the gift of the Holy Spirit that we received at Baptism. Not only does the Spirit have all the answers that we are seeking but knows when and how to act. All I need do is let go of anything not from God and trust in the help of the Spirit. The Spirit even helps us pray. Our prayer can sometimes be self-centered and not what God wants to give us. So Lord, I ask your Holy Spirit to help me with my prayer.  I ask the Spirit to perfect my prayer, to make it worthy of you and an open and honest plea to the Father. Holy Spirit, I want to willingly accept all you want to give me. Help me to be more aware of your presence, of your inspiration and of your encouragement.  Amen.