August 30, 2020 Sunday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time-A
Jeremiah 20:7-9
Psalm 63
Romans 12:1-2
Matthew 16:21-27
”For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Mt. 16:25
Lord, I so want to stay close to you and be your disciple. Your love is better than life. Without you I am lost and alone. But as you point out in today’s Gospel there is a cost to that relationship. The cost is taking up whatever cross you permit me to carry. For I believe, my Lord, that any suffering I must endure in this life can be for my good. When I willingly carry my cross my suffering is united to yours on the road to Calvary. You offer a life so much better than the life of this world. While I am here I will prepare for the life to come by emptying myself of everything that holds me back. Fill me, dear Jesus, with all the grace I need to let go of whatever is not from you. Help me to give up all forms of pride and self-centeredness so I can focus on what you want me to become. Remove from me the false values of this world so I can search out what is good and pleasing to you. I pray that I can embrace whatever vocations you have called me to in this life so I can be at peace walking by your side. Amen.