August 25, 2020 Tuesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-A ST BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17

Psalm 96

Matthew 23:23-26

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father… encourage your hearts and strengthen them… 2 Thes. 2:16, 17

“Woe to you…hypocrites. Mt. 23:25

Lord, you had harsh words for the scribes and Pharisees of your time who were not following the spirit of the law. Your commandments are intended to regulate our behavior in just and loving ways. They also are able to form our attitudes, and inner hearts toward God’s will and love of neighbor. Your warning to the hypocrites of your time is intended for me too. You desire that I obey your commandments but put a priority on love, mercy and compassion. You want me to avoid judgment that belongs to you.  I am to forgive as often as it takes to heal a broken relationship. Lord, encourage my heart and strengthen me to resist the temptation to harm my relationship with you or my brothers and sisters. I am eager to spot the failures of those around me but not so eager to expose my own. Lord, give me the grace to discover how I have not followed you in the way you want.  Show me how I continue to put my needs before others. Shine your light on any darkness in my heart. I am sorry and beg your forgiveness.  Amen.