Aug 20, 2020 Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. BERNARD, ABBOT, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCHEzekiel 36:23-28Psalm 51Matthew 22:1-14
I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you. Ez. 36:26
“…I have prepared my banquet… everything is ready; come to the feast.” Mt. 22:4
Lord, when I am invited to a party or wedding I have to make a choice to accept or not. Sometimes I have to change my schedule, make travel plans, buy a gift and dress properly for the occasion. I may feel it’s too much trouble and decide to not attend. Lord, you have invited me to your banquet. It’s the wedding feast of all wedding feasts. It’s my choice to ignore the invitation and go on my own way or accept and prepare myself to attend. We make this choice every day. You love me so much that you’ve provided all I need to get ready. Your word and the sacraments of our church instruct and cleanse me for the party. You provided the Holy Spirit to show me the way. Lord, make your feast my highest priority. Dress me in the garments of faith, hope and love. I trust in your promise to give me a new heart and place a new spirit within me. Never let me grow weak in my commitment to your way, your truth and your life. Thank you for all the ways you help me find my way to your feast. Amen.