Aug 19, 2020 Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Ezekiel 34:1-11

Psalm 23

Matthew 20:1-10

Only goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life. Ps. 23:6

“…each received the usual daily wage.”  Mt. 20:9

Lord, I love your stories! I especially love those that turn accepted practices or common sense on their heads. By our standards and labor agreements those that worked the hardest or longest should have been paid more than those who did little and worked briefly. But that’s not the standard in your Kingdom. Those hired last had families to feed too. Your rewards are given according to need and not by effort or achievement. Lord you care for us as a good shepherd. You go all out-never providing just enough to get along.  Your grace is abundant and extravagant. I thank you for caring so faithfully and lovingly for me and my family. May your example of generosity show me how to care for those whom you have called me to shepherd. You look on all in your flock with love as can I. You treat all with dignity and respect-even the lazy, handicapped or weak. May I today give the benefit of the doubt to the sheep you’ve placed near me. I’ll never match your generosity so guide my mind and my heart to do your will today. Thank you for your goodness and kindness.  Amen.