August 11, 2020 Tuesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. CLARE, VIRGIN

Ezekiel 2:8—3:4

Psalm 119

Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

 “…unless you turn and become like children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Mt. 18:3

Lord, it seems on this journey of life as we grow in wealth, wisdom and position of power we can be more self sufficient. We look to ourselves for success and security. The standard of independence, so valued in our world, is not the standard of your Kingdom. You used the example of a child, the lowest member of Jewish society at the time, to make your point. No one expected a child to be the model for greatness or for entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. How precious and wonderful are children. A child is the very personification of love. Their love is complete and total. Becoming child-like in faith and love is the goal of our journey with you. As we rise in sophistication in life we can realize you as the source of all we have and are. Lord, teach me today to love like a child. Help me grow in dependence on you. Bring to my mind this day one way I can be more child-like in faith. May I and our society respect the gift of life from the unborn child to the aged child.  Amen.