July 21, 2020 Tuesday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20

Psalm 85

Matthew 12:46-50

“For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister and mother.”  Mt. 12:50

Lord, what an awesome reality that we can be family to you. In your culture nothing was more important, more binding or closer than parents and family. Families lived together and were faithful to each other until death.  You have made a relationship with us that is as thick as blood. In truth that kinship was made by you shedding you blood for us. For our part, we only need to follow you, listen to your word and carry out the will of our Father. You will never, ever abandon me, Lord. You encourage and strengthen me for the trials of this life. You always are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Today my brother, I delight in my big family. This week when I attend our family reunion, the Mass, I will join all my brothers and sisters in praising you for your goodness and faithfulness to all of us. With your word to guide me and your grace to empower me may I live today in peace with all who walk with you. Please strengthen all family ties. Protect the human family from all attacks.  Amen.