July 18, 2020 Saturday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Psalm 10
Matthew 12:14-21
Behold, my servant…He will not contend or cry out nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. Mt. 12:18, 19
Lord, in yesterday’s word we heard you make a breathtaking claim: ‘The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” That claim was accepted by some and rejected by others who believed you were claiming to be divine. That’s exactly what you were saying. You were guilty as charged. You knew that one day it would cost you your life. Today you claim to be the fulfillment of a Messianic prophecy which your adversaries knew well. You were a Suffering Servant Messiah. You have chosen me for unique servant duty in your kingdom. You have selected me for work for which you’ve chosen no one else. What an honor and privilege to work for you! Lord, I can be rejected, opposed, even threatened because of my faith in you. The world in which I serve is becoming increasingly hostile to you, your message and anyone whom you have chosen to be a disciple. But you don’t dwell on my shortcomings. I am beloved and you delight in me whether I succeed or fail. It builds up my hope that you understand how it is here because you’ve been her, done that. Lord I will serve you to the end and not worry about the cost as long as you are with me as you have promised. Amen.