July 15, 2020 Wednesday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. BONAVENTURE, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
Isaiah: 10:5-7, 13-16
Psalm 94
Matthew 11:25-27
“…no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.” Mt. 11:27
Lord, there‘s a lot of mystery in life. There’s a lot that we don’t or can’t understand. Normally to perceive deep and complicated mysteries requires years of study and sophistication. How do we get to understand the mystery of God? Your word today says to approach God as a child. Children don’t complicate things. They see the world and people in very simple ways. They also are open to new ideas and eager to learn. Mankind was in the dark about the Father until you came among us. You showed us the face of God. You showed us he is not a stern, judgmental, vengeful, angry God. He is a loving Father who delights when His children turn to him and depend upon him. You showed us God is merciful and forgiving; slow to anger and rich in kindness. And we now know how much he loves us because he gave you up to death so we could live with Him forever. Lord, I pray today for a childlike faith. I pray to see you whatever ways you choose to reveal yourself to me. A child instinctively runs to his parents when in pain, afraid or needy. Give me that instinct towards my Father in heaven. Thank you, Lord, for showing us the Father. Amen.