July 11, 2020 Saturday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. BENEDICT, ABBOT
Isaiah: 6:1-8
Psalm 93
Matthew 10:24-33
“Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Mt. 10:29
So do not be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows. Mt. 10:31
Lord, I put myself in the place of your Apostles. You had just given them their marching orders: to spread the good news of your Kingdom. You also told them of the challenges, persecutions and hatred that people will throw at them as they go about this holy work. You must have seen the fear in their eyes because you say “do not be afraid” three times. You then assure them that they work under the protection of God their Father. Lord, I believe I was created by a loving and merciful God who holds me in the palm of his hand. Every breath I take, every beat of my heart is ordained by my Heavenly Father. You assure me that I am a valued member of the household of God. You are aware of the challenges facing those who proclaim your name in a hostile world. Lord, today give me the courage to live and speak of your love and mercy in every situation. I pray that I won’t let you down and that you will proudly recognize me before your Father in heaven. Help me to have the eagerness of Isaiah to raise my hand and say to you “send me.” St. Benedict pray for us. Amen.