July 10, 2020 Friday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Hosea: 14:2-10
Psalm 51
Matthew 10:16-23
Because of me you will bear fruit. Hosea 14:9
“It will not be you who speak but the Spirit.” Mt. 10:20
Lord, we have a tendency to think “it’s all about me.” Your words today caution your disciples of the dangers and threats that lie ahead for them as they carry the good news of the gospel into the world. Persecution, suffering, family betrayal all add up to a bleak future. As you were reviled, hated and persecuted so would your followers. You rightly prepared them for the trials to come. But you encouraged them that the Holy Spirit will be their defender and inspiration. The Spirit will be with them to the end. If they persevere they will be saved. That’s the good news. We are not alone in our struggles. You are ever ready to assist us when confronted with evil. Whether it be a court decision that goes against the respect for life, challenges to free exercise of our faith or a family member who mocks our faith you are right there on our side. You will lead us to the best response whether it be words, actions or even silence. Lord, I put myself in your hands today. I trust you will help me persevere and bear fruit for you in any and all trials to the end. Amen.