June 16, 2020 Tuesday of the 11th Week in Ordinary time–A

1 Kings 21:17-29

Psalm 51

Mathew 5:43-48

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; Ps. 51:3

“So be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”  Mt. 5:48

Lord, today you call us to be like our Heavenly Father in the ways of extending goodness and mercy to those who have offended us, crossed us or hurt us. I suppose this goodness needs to be expressed to everyone even those who we don’t see eye to eye on in politics. I know we can’t treat your teachings like the choices in the cafeteria line—only accepting those dishes we like. Or we hold on to only those that are easy or convenient to follow.  I believe our Father’s mercy is eternal and it is like the rain which falls on the bad and the good.  How can I, in good conscience, ask my Father for his mercy and then deny mercy or forgiveness to my brother or sister?  I must rely on your grace and the guidance and lead of the Holy Spirit.  I am not perfect but as I try to live the good news I will become more complete and become the person you created me to be. You have blessed me with the opportunities and the will to live the gospel truth. I ask for your help in growing in holiness and completeness.  Amen.