June 15, 2020 Monday of the 11th Week in Ordinary time–A

1 Kings 21:1-16

Psalm 5

Mathew 5:38-42

“But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.”  Mt. 5:39

Lord, some people just “get it.”  My mother was one. She wasn’t highly educated or sophisticated in the terms of the world. Her heart was always open to your grace and so she just always seemed to live your ways. Your truth and your grace thrived in her. She was a great example to us her children on how to respect the dignity and value of others.  When we look on others, even persons who do evil, as your beloved and precious children we can make better decisions as to how to respond to them. Lord, I can be tempted to “water down” your teachings or ignore those I don’t like or understand. That only closes my heart to your grace. It lessens my chances to love more like you. So today I want to “get it” like mom did. I ask you to work your wonders in my attitudes and responses to the actions and needs of others. I want your will to guide me to interrupt the cycle of retaliation today. Help me to be as merciful toward people as you have been with me. I pray that by your grace I am never the one who offends someone else.  Amen.