June 9, 2020 Tuesday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time–A

1 Kings 17:17-16

Psalm 4

Matthew 5:13-16

“… the jar of flour shall not go empty nor the jug of oil run dry…” 1 Kings 17:14

“You are the light of the world.”  Mt. 5:14

Lord, you taught your followers that the Father is glorified when their light shines forth. They are to be light not for their own glory but for His. After all, it is the divine light given to us at baptism that we are talking about. To keep God’s light shining brightly it must be cared for and nurtured like a campfire. Left on its own a campfire will eventually dim, then go out and no longer provide warmth and light. So Lord may your light shine in me today. Not for my sake to impress others but for your glory.  I believe your words as the widow believed Elijah when he promised that God would provide for her and her son. I trust you will continue to be the light of my life. The world needs your light right now so that people of all races are treated justly and that prejudice and racism may be removed from our land. Your light will lead me from the darkness of loneliness and fear. Your light will show the way home to you. If it is your will, Lord, may your light in me attract someone to faith in you today.  Amen.