June 8, 2020 Monday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time–A

1 Kings 17:1-6

Psalm 121

Matthew 5:1-12

My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  Ps. 121:2

“Blessed are…” Mt. 5:3-12

Lord, among the first instructions you gave your disciples was to tell them how “Blessed” they were. They may not have considered being poor, in mourning, and persecuted could contain blessings. But you knew that didn’t you? This is one of the first times your teaching turned conventional wisdom upside down. To show mercy, be clean of heart and meek and humble and a peacemaker were all attitudes you needed in your followers who would be left in charge of your church. They are attitudes for us today as well because you were speaking to me on that mountain.  Lord, your words tell me that whatever I am experiencing now, wherever I am in my life it can lead me into your Kingdom. I just need to rely on the words of the Psalm today that help is always available from you. You help me to understand what I already have: eternal life.  You teach me to be happy being who I already am, a blessed son or daughter of God. In your kingdom the values and standards of the world are replaced by your standards and values. They include dependence on you for everything, purity of heart and peaceful attitudes toward everyone. Lord, these beatitudes are a gift from you who only want me to be on the same page as you now in this life. May your grace today lead me to the happiness of your Kingdom.  Amen.