June 6, 2020 Saturday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time–A

2 Timothy: 4:1-8

Psalm 71

Mark 12:38-44

Proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; 2 Tim. 4:2

“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury;” Mk. 12:43

Lord, by the world’s standards the poor widow was reckless and foolish. She couldn’t rely on the social safety nets of today. With no husband to support her she should have kept her two coins for her own needs. But instead she is praised by you and two thousand years later is still teaching us what real love and generosity look like. She offered all she had because she trusted that God would take care of her. We are shown that you value not the amount of the gift but the love behind it. Love is more important than gold. Lord, today is a good day for me to consider my attitude toward the use of the time, money and energy you have given me. I am most extravagantly blessed and I confess that I don’t yet trust like the widow. I’m prone to hang on to most of what I have for a “rainy day.” Paul tells Timothy to do God’s will always, whether its convenient or inconvenient. Help me to see that all I have and all I am is yours. With your grace may I be as “reckless“ as the widow.  Amen.