June 5, 2020 Friday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time–A ST. BONIFACE, BISHOP, MARTYR

2 Timothy: 3:10-17

Psalm 119

Mark 12:35-37

So that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.  2 Tim. 3:17

Lord, Paul loved Timothy and always taught and encouraged his young partner throughout the difficult trials they encountered. Paul knew that Timothy would have to carry on the work of telling people the good news of salvation after Paul’s death. He reminded Timothy that those who are faithful to God and trust in His grace will be competent and equipped for the work of God despite hardship, persecution and apparent failure. We have a wonderful source and guidebook in this work: the inspired word of God. The story of salvation in sacred scripture is God’s word and it tells the love story of God for his people. Lord, guide my heart to believe that your word and your grace are sufficient for whatever you have called me to do. In our vocations as married persons, parents, or single you provide for us every tool and grace needed to accomplish our work. The key is I need to have faith that you will never let me down or ask me to do something and not give me the means to do it. Lord, even if I experience suffering and persecution you will help me to persevere like Paul and Timothy.  St. Boniface, pray for us.  Amen