June 4, 2020 Thursday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time–A

2 Timothy: 2:8-15

Psalm 25

Mark 12:28-34

“If we have died with him we shall also live with him… 2 Tim. 2:11

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mk. 12:31

Lord, we love a lot. We love ice cream, certain TV shows, baseball, shopping and our dogs and cats. We are people who love from our childhood to our last breath.  Some of our loves can come and go. In some cases love can even turn into hate. You answered the lawyer’s question by raising love of neighbor up to the same level as love of God. These two loves are connected and may even are one. While it’s easy to love some people there are many that are very difficult to love. Loving those that are filled with hate, violence and terror is very hard for us. But not for you. To love as you do, Lord, is a very tall order for me. To die to myself and be welcoming and kind in all circumstances requires grace from you.  It also requires a choice on my part. Love of neighbor is your heart’s desire-please make it mine. At the end of my days when I meet you face to face I pray you will be pleased with how I have lived these two love commandments. In the meantime I’ll take all the help you can send my way to love more.  Amen Alleluia.