June 3, 2020 Wednesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time–A ST. CHARLES LWANGA AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS

2 Timothy: 1:1-3, 6-12

Psalm 123

Mark 12:18-27

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. 2 Tim. 1:7

To you I lift up my eyes who are enthroned in heaven. Ps. 123:1

Lord, your Apostle Paul knew well what he was writing about to his student Timothy. Paul was familiar with being in prison, being beaten, rejected, stoned and threatened with death for the sake of your Gospel. Paul was spreading the good news of salvation and he endured great suffering for it. But he must have kept the line from today’s Psalm close to his heart because he continually kept his eyes on God. He didn’t let failure, disappointment, physical pain or threats of death hold him back from living the vocation he was called to live. He wanted Timothy to not let fear or embarrassment or timidity keep him from his mission either. In Baptism I was given the same Holy Spirit along with his gifts that Paul and Timothy received. The same Spirit of bravery, love and self-control were placed within me at my Confirmation. During this trying time of suffering, fear and death the Holy Spirit is alive and well in all those chosen to follow Jesus. We too know hardship and must exercise self-control especially with those who are fearful of the covid-19.  May we all come through this time stronger in faith, more loving, and ready for the next challenge. If I keep my eyes of you my Savior I trust that I will make out just fine.  Amen Alleluia